Brand New Archer Australia Chainsaw chain 050 3/8 Standard Semi Chisel Chain
Japanese Steel Archer is an Australian owned company involved in the chainsaw parts industry
After months and months of extensive field testing they have released this Premium quality chainsaw chain and it is hitting the market in a BIG way
Rivets: Archer knows the quality of the rivet is the key to a high quality chain, Archer rivets are manufactured to the highest tolerances and are processed through 4 different heat treatments to ensure maximum performance Roto Peening All Archer saw chain cutters are shot peened to increase tensile strength and make parts much tougher Steel,
Archer only uses high quality Nickle Alloy Japanese steel to manufacture saw chain, the quality of the steel ensures toughness and durability to accommodate all conditions and climates Sharpness
All Archer Australia cutters are automatically sharpened to ensure 100% accuracy and uniformity so that sharpness out of the box is at its optimum Chroming
All Archer Australia saw chain cutters are plated in Industrial Chrome, this process ensures a lasting cutting edge and superior stay sharp quality check out the video link for some of the extensive testing